Tuesday, February 05, 2008

hi everyone.. it's been such a long time since this blog has really come alive, and i wonder how many readers are still out there after this had died quite some time ago. haha..

anyways, just wanted to blog to share something, but mostly it's for people who is in this cg hoho. was really praying hard to God during the past week and i feel what's the season for us now is really to build ourselves spiritually stronger and pumped up faith!

this year is the beginning of leadership and most of you here will rise up to become great people for God doing great things. We'll grow in numbers and miracles, breakthroughs, stories will begin to appear around us. how does it going to happen? the only way is to look unto Him always and have a deeper relationship with Him.. faith will come i assure you. confidence levels will start to arise because we have God in us.. God will only come if we believed.. It's all about BELIEVING sometimes.

the power of God will only travel in the atmosphere of faith. by faith, abraham got out of his country and received the inheritance God has promised him. by faith, sarah was conceived. without confience, you can't please God. Confidence makes you a carrier of God's power. confidence allows you to be an effective servant. faith and confidence are synonymous.

so let's be people who will be spiritually strong and the abundance of God's grace will begin to flow in our lives! (:



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